Snake Catcher Greensborough


Your local Greensborough Snake Catcher. If you see a snake, do NOT attempt to catch it yourself. Call Snake Catcher Greensborough immediately on 0403 875 409.


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24/7 Snake Catcher Greensborough

24/7 Snake Catcher in Greensborough, we handle any type of snakes that may enter your property. If you see a snake, do NOT attempt to handle it yourself. We are qualified, trained, and fully insured to catch snakes in the Greensborough area. There is no need to panic. Simply move all persons (and pets) away from the snake, call us, keep an eye on the snake and we will be there soon.

Snake Catcher Greensborough

24/7  Snake Catcher Greensborough

The fastest snake catcher in the Greensborough area. Our response time is usually less than 10 minutes.

Snake Handler Greensborough

Ethical Snake Handler Greensborough

All snake handling in Greensborough is done ethically to minimise risks of harm to the snake and others.

Snake Removal Greensborough

Professional Snake Removal Greensborough

Our snake removal service is professional and we are fully insured. If you see a snake, leave it to the professionals.

Fastest Greensborough Snake Catcher

We have the fastest snake catcher response times in the Greensborough area. With typical response times of between 5 – 10 minutes in the Greensborough area, The Snake Hunter is the person to call.

Snake Catcher Expert

Greensborough Snake Catcher are expert snake catchers that service the Greensborough and surrounding areas. If you see a snake, do NOT assume it is safe to approach. Instead, Call Greensborough Snake Catcher on 0403875409 immediately and follow our instructions.

Snakes caught last summer

Were in Greensborough

24/7 Fastest Snake Catcher in Greensborough area. If you see a snake, Call your local Greensborough Snake Catcher.


Call Us 0403 875 409

Other Services

Protect your property

Property Inspections & Reports

Be proactive about protecting Greensborough properties from snakes by organising a property inspection.

treating snake bites

What to do if Bitten by a Snake

If bitten by a snake in Greensborough, immediately call ‘000’ and follow their advice. Click on the link below to learn more.

Snake Catcher in the Media

Greensborough Snake Catcher Mark Pelley – The Snake Hunter frequently apepars in the media for catching snakes in Greensborough and the nearby areas. To learn more, watch the video above or click HERE.

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Get in Touch with Greensborough Snake Catcher Today

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